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Egaroucid for Console

Operations differ depending on your OS. This software is for Windows, Linux and MacOS.


Please download the zip file and unzip it, then you can use it. For the best performance, you can also build it on your own. Please see documents for Linux to build it.


Please download a zip file that is suitable to your environment, and unzip wherever you want. Then execute Egaroucid_for_console.exe to run.

Egaroucid is optimized to SIMD version, which requires AVX2 instructions, but old CPUs (created in 2013 or older) might not be able to run it. If so, please install Generic version.

Windowsx64 (Standard)AVX2 (Standard)2024/04/17Egaroucid for Console 7.0.0 Windows x64 SIMD
Windowsx64 (Standard)-2024/04/17Egaroucid for Console 7.0.0 Windows x64 Generic
Windowsx86-2024/04/17Egaroucid for Console 7.0.0 Windows x86 Generic

Please visit GitHub Releases to see older versions and release notes.

Linux / MacOS

Please build on your own. You can use cmake or g++.

Build with cmake

Please download source codes from GitHub Release, then unzip it.

Change directory.

$ cd Egaroucid

Then use cmake command to build.

$ cmake -S . -B build [options]

You can add additional options in [options]. Available options are:

You want toAdd this option
Build without AVX2-DHAS_NO_AVX2=ON
Use 32-bit environment-DHAS_32_BIT_OS=ON


$ cmake --build build

That's all. You can see Egaroucid_for_Console.out in Egaroucid/bin directory. You can run with commands below.

$ ./bin/Egaroucid_for_Console.out

Build with g++

Requirements are:

Please download source codes from GitHub Release, then unzip it.

Change directory.

$ cd Egaroucid/src

Then compile it with g++ command. You can change the output name.

$ g++ -O2 ./src/Egaroucid_console.cpp -o ./bin/Egaroucid_for_Console.out -mtune=native -march=native -mfpmath=both -pthread -std=c++17 [options]

You can add additional options in [options]. Available options are:

You want toAdd this option
Build without AVX2-DHAS_NO_AVX2
Use 32-bit environment-DHAS_32_BIT_OS

Then execute the output file.

$ ./bin/Egaroucid_for_console.out


$ Egaroucid_for_Console.exe -help


$ ./Egaroucid_for_Console.out -help

to see how to use.

Directory Structure

Egaroucid for Console uses some external files. If you've got a trouble, please check it.

About Changing Book Format

Book format is changed in Egaroucid for Console 6.3.0. The new book's filename extension is .egbk2 and it uses resources/book.egbk2 as default book, but you can also use old book, which extension is .egbk. If you want to use another book or old book, you can execute like this: Egaroucid_for_Console.exe -book [Book File].

Documents for Go Text Protocol (GTP) users

GTP is a communication protocol made for game of Go, but you can play Othello with GTP on some applications. Some GTP commands are available on Egaroucid for Console, so these applications can communicate with Egaroucid for Console.

If you want to use GTP commands, please type this.

$ Egaroucid_for_Console.exe -gtp

I tested it works with GoGui on Windows and Quarry on Ubuntu.


I used GoGui 1.5.1 on Windows.

GoGui with Egaroucid is something like this.

First, you have to register Egaroucid. Please add -gtp to the command, and set working directory as the directory on the executable.

Then you can execute Egaroucid.

On GoGui, board orientation is horizontally flipped, so you can see the ordinal board with flip the board horizontally again.


Egaroucid on Quarry is something like this.

First, you have to add Egaroucid. Open Manage Engine List via New Game or Preferences. Please add -gtp to the command.

Then start game to run Egaroucid.